Single-measure adaptation strategies

Initially, within the EIFFEL project, several drought-related adaptation strategies have been tested, each with single type of Nature-Based Solution implemented in the Dutch part of the Aa of Weerijs catchment. The spatial distribution of these NBSs interventions is presented in the NBSs page. In the next phase of the project, adaptation strategies that combine different types of NBSs spatially are being designed and tested.
To see clearly the effectiveness of the single-measure adaptation strategies, they have been tested under the most severe climate change scenario 'HD' (high emmissions and dry summer conditions).
The figure to the right pesents a summary comparison of all the single-measure adaptation strategies that have been tested. Detailed results for each strategy and the selected KPIs can be accessed below.

Summary comparison of adaptation strategies

Summary comparison of NBS-based adaptation strategies



  • Disclaimer: This web application contains only research results. For actual adaptation plans and activities in the area please visit the web site of the Province of Noord Brabant.

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